Creating Lifetime Connections With Employees

Most of us here at My Adventure Jobs come from the seasonal industry. We’re familiar with the ups and downs of adventure job “life” and the challenges it brings. 

Whether you are an HR Manager, a DIY entrepreneur, or an office admin roped into helping out with recruitment, at the end of the day everyone has the same mission: find the best and the brightest people to ensure your operation is a success each and every season.

Here at My Adventure Jobs, we believe in the transformative power of seasonal work. Freedom, fun, hard work, new friendships — seasonal work is a community onto itself. It can be life changing. As someone whose job it is to fill seasonal positions, you have an important responsibility. You’re not just “hiring” people, you’re highlighting a pivotal fork in the road that they never saw coming.

You are changing lives.

Perhaps you are sitting where you are now because of a seasonal job. Do you remember how challenging it was? How scary it was to take the plunge and dive into a new opportunity? How grateful you were for a guiding hand to help you adjust?

You’ve worked hard to hire the best team. Now you need to work hard to keep them. Because the team members who are motivated and engaged, who receive coaching and mentorship — those are the ones who will be filling your shoes one day. They will help you strengthen both your recruiting and your retention. 

If you create a welcoming work environment, they will feel invested in. They will feel cared for. They won’t just stay for one season, they’ll come back. Maybe they’ll even bring friends!

Invest in your staff and they will thrive. So will your organization — and so will you. Teach them how to be good stewards of your company. Help them level up and develop their skills. Additionally, surround yourself with other seasonal HR people that can offer advice or suggestions when you get stuck.

By offering help where you can and seeking input and suggestions when you need it, you’ll create a well-rounded team that will raise your organization to new heights. And it all starts with you!

For more food for thought, check out this video featuring best-selling author Daniel Pink (he wrote Drive, an insightful read for anyone in HR/management). It’s worth a watch!


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