You Don’t Get A 2nd Chance For a 1st Impression

Take a look at your employer profile and pretend you are a potential job seeker. How does your profile look? Does it answer all of the important questions job seekers have?


Who are you? Where are you located? What does your company do?


Your employer profile needs to not only describe your needs, expectations, and job requirements, it also needs to highlight what job seekers can expect from the experience. 


On a practical note, job seekers want to know what it’s like to live and work with you. However, they also want to know skills they will develop working with you. What’s in it for them?


Your employer profile needs to address these questions while also shedding light on your company’s values and how those values shape the employee experience.


Seasonal jobs can be a life-changing opportunity. Having a well-crafted profile that accurately reflects your company’s culture, values, and expectations allows job seekers to decide if they are a good match for you and your business. It lets them do their due diligence, ensuring that only the most suitable job seekers apply. Good matches reduce employee turnover and make for a smooth and happy season.


Here are 3 simple things to be aware of when updating your My Adventure Jobs employer profile:

  • Include photos

A picture is worth 1,000 words. Be sure to include high-resolution photos in your profile (and on your social media too, since most job seekers will also check out your online presence). Share what makes your job opportunity unique and interesting while highlighting how fun your work environment can be. Don’t just tell them working for you is great — show them!

  • Tell job seekers why you need them

Your staff is often the first point of contact for your guests and customers. You depend on your team to ensure your customers are satisfied. That’s why you need awesome, dedicated staff to help bring your vision to life. Don’t hesitate to tell prospective employees why you need them and how important they are. They aren’t just a cog in the wheel, they are a vital organ in your operation. Let them know!

  • Highlight your values

One of the first things guests notice is the staff. Are they happy and enthusiastic? Resigned and bored? An energetic, engaged team is the best marketing you can ask for because they will happily go above and beyond, ensuring your customers’ needs are always taken care of.

Why? Because they believe in your organization and the values it is founded on. They believe in the community you’ve created.

Guests always love chatting with staff. By connecting your team to your values and getting them on the same page, they will be better positioned to enact your vision. That’s some of the best marketing money can’t buy!


Compelling recruitment marketing is about stories. It’s about authenticity. It’s about creating a community people want to be a part of. If you can do that, you’ll be able to connect with the best job seekers on the market and further grow your organization.

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